Collaboration, Implementation and KT in Practice

Join the Toronto chapter of the KTECOP for a presentation by Mark Pearson, who is visiting us from the UK to share his insights and expertise on practice-research collaboration, implementation and knowledge transfer.

Toronto, ON M5G 2P1, Canada

Event Details

Thursday, June 8, 2017
4-6 pm
Institute for Work & Health
481 University Avenue, Suite 800
(just north of Dundas on the east side, at the St. Patrick subway station)
Toronto ON


Join by phone AND webinar:
Code: 450545

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About the Presentation

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) South West Peninsula (PenCLAHRC) undertakes high-quality applied health research that is a) focused on the needs of patients, and b) supports the translation of research evidence into practice in the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. As well as providing a focus for collaborative research under conventional research themes such as ‘Person-Centred Care’ and ‘Evidence for Policy and Practice’, PenCLAHRC has driven forward research and practice in areas such as Patient & Public Involvement, capacity-building in health professionals and service-users, Operational Research, and Implementation Science. This presentation will provide an overview of PenCLAHRC’s approach, illustrate how this it has impacted on the regional health and social care system, and stimulate debate about the knowledge transfer processes used.

About Mark Pearson

Mark Pearson is Senior Research Fellow in Implementation Science at the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) South West Peninsula (‘PenCLAHRC’), University of Exeter Medical School (UK). His research, which often uses a ‘realist’ approach, focuses on knowledge transfer processes in health care and public health systems. He uses these insights to inform intervention development (e.g. to improve offenders’ mental health), the design of complex health and social care services (such as intermediate care), and decision-making about the implementation of health promotion programmes in schools. Mark’s approach aims to harness the distinct skills of the scientific and practice communities in pursuing actionable knowledge that makes a positive difference to people’s lives.