We are pleased to announce the Knowledge Translation (KT) Canada Summer Institute to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from June 19-21, 2024. This event is being hosted jointly with Dalhousie University.
The theme for this year’s event is “Integrating the Science and Practice of Knowledge Translation“.
The purpose of this Summer Institute is to provide participants with the opportunity to increase their understanding of knowledge translation research as well as opportunities and challenges in this field. The Summer Institute will provide participants with the chance to network with colleagues including national and international KT experts.
The Summer Institute is aimed at graduate students, post-doctoral and clinical fellows, junior faculty who study issues relevant to KT, and those who want to learn more about how to advance their research skills in this area. We encourage applications from a wide range of disciplines that span all of CIHR’s research themes (clinical, health services, and population health).
Registration fee for trainees and fellows will be $445 CAD
Registration fee for junior faculty and research staff will be $995 CAD
Applications are closing soon, on Sunday March 3.
Get more info here: https://ktcanada.org/event/kt-canada-summer-institute-2024/
You can also email Meghan.Storey@UnityHealth.to with questions.