KT Connects: Transforming spinal cord injury counselling with open science and integrated knowledge translation

In 2024, KT Connects is focusing on open science — the practice of making scientific inputs, outputs, and processes freely available to all with minimal restrictions. Learn more Webinar summary Friday, June 28  12 – 1 p.m. PST  Open science practices provide the foundation for transparent and accessible research. Integrated knowledge translation (IKT) ensures that research …

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Transition to open: a shift in research culture and practice

In 2024, KT Connects is focusing on open science — the practice of making scientific inputs, outputs, and processes freely available to all with minimal restrictions. Learn more! Webinar summary Friday, April 5, 12 – 1 p.m. PST As information technology enables more people to rapidly share large amounts of data and knowledge, open science — …

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KT Connects 2024: Open conversations about open science

As health research grapples with increasingly complex, interconnected, and global challenges — from pandemics to climate change, and aging populations to struggling health care systems — there is growing recognition of the importance of collaboration, transparency, accessibility, and equity in advancing evidence-based solutions.   The information technology revolution has enabled new methods of research collaboration and …

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KT Connects—Leveraging arts-based methods in research dissemination: Partnering with community and using film to address HIV stigma

Leveraging arts-based methods such as film can be utilized for research dissemination. In this webinar, Dr. Angela Kaida, Juno Roche, and Azra Bhanji will discuss how they are using their film HIV Made Me Fabulous to help share HIV science to reduce stigma and discrimination. HIV Made Me Fabulous is a 10-minute film that tells …

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KT Connects webinar—Citizen Science: An approach to engage the public and co-develop novel research questions

Citizen Science: An approach to engage the public and co-develop novel research questions Date: Friday, October 06, 2023 Description: Health researchers typically rely on input from other researchers, clinicians and academic literature when designing their research. This traditional approach overlooks valuable contributions from patients and the wider public. The consequence of this is that people …

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KT Connects—Implementation Science 101: What works in theory & practice for clinical interventions

KT Connects is a series of monthly beginner-level knowledge translation (KT) webinars hosted by Michael Smith Health Research BC and Arthritis Research Canada where KT scientists, stakeholders and practitioners discuss the basics of KT, how KT relates to patients and the public, and KT in health policy-making and clinical practice.

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