Monday, December 7, 2009, 5:30 pm
Coquine Restaurant, 2075 Yonge Street, Toronto
Speaker: Dr. Katherine Boydell, Community Health Systems Resource Group, Hospital for Sick Children
In association with our annual Winter Solstice meeting, KTECOP explored Arts-Based Knowledge Translation. Ethnodrama is an innovative KT strategy that uses theatrical performances based on research findings to disseminate research results to a variety of audiences. Dr. Katherine Boydell presented her arts-based KT work. Dr. Boydell has developed an original dance based on qualitative interviews with adolescents who have experienced first episode psychosis. We viewed a DVD of the original dance performance and original music score, and Dr. Boydell was on hand to describe the process of development, subsequent performances of the piece in Toronto high schools via CIHR KT funding, and to share her knowledge on Arts-Based KT with the COP.