For twenty years, the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) has been providing national leadership in the mobilization of collaborative efforts to reduce alcohol and drug related harms. When CCSA first opened its doors, it was with a profound sense of optimism and hope that their work would contribute to an important body of knowledge in a subject area of particular importance. Two decades later, these hopes have been realized, and CCSA now finds itself playing a key role in the fight against substance abuse in Canada, and abroad. It is within this exciting context and period of dynamic growth that CCSA is seeking to recruit its first Director of Knowledge Exchange to build and lead the organization’s Knowledge Exchange division.
Welcome to KTECOP
The Canadian Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Community of Practice (KTECOP) is a network of KTE practitioners and researchers who share KTE practices and experience, build peer relationships for information exchange and support, build KTE capacity, advance knowledge of KTE effectiveness, and share KTE events, job opportunities and other related KTE activities. More »
We need your thoughts and ideas
If you have a presentation, essay or article that you would like to share with the Community of Practice, could you please forward it to us and we will post it on the website. Please send me your submissions as attachments: Dee Kramer:
Next meeting: June 11th, 2008
EVALUATION AND KTE: A FACILITATED DISCUSSION OF MEMBERS’ EXPERIENCES Wednesday June 11, 2008 4:30 pm-6:00 pm Institute for Work and Health, Boardroom 481 University Avenue, Suite 800 (St. Patrick station) Toronto, ON Space is limited To RSVP, please contact Dee Kramer; 416 467 6272
Job Opportunity: Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Associate
The Institute for Work & Health is seeking an individual for the position of Knowledge Transfer & Exchange Associate. IWH is an independent, not-for-profit research organization in Ontario whose activities strive to reduce injury, illness and disability in the Ontario workforce. IWH is committed to excellent working conditions and a cooperative, team environment for its …
Next KTECOP meeting is June 11, 2008
The next meeting of the KTECoP is scheduled for Wednesday, June 11, from 4:30 to 6 pm at the Institute for Work & Health. The topic is Evaluation and KTE. For more information, see Meetings.
Presentations on Communities of Practice now available
Three presentations from the April 2, 2008, meeting are now available to download. See Communities of Practice.
Knowledge in Motion Conference
Knowledge in Motion ’08 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada October 16-18, 2008 Knowledge in Motion ’08 is an international conference exploring how higher education institutions (HEIs) mobilize knowledge to affect regional development. Download the call for papers (deadline March 31, 2008). For more information, visit
GTA Rehab Best Practices Day 2008
This event may be of interest to some of you. Best Practices Day 2008 Using Research Evidence; Changing Rehabilitation Practice February 29, 2008 Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel 123 Queen Street West, Toronto
Why should we turn research into action?
On Wednesday, January 23, 2008, Dr. David Phipps presented to the KTE Community of Practice on York University’s Office of Research Services and its knowledge mobilization initiatives. For more information, or to download a copy David’s presentation, see Knowledge Mobilization Innovations.